8 Thoughts on “Made with love

  1. To chyba najfajniejsze bodziaki jakie widziałam 🙂

  2. AnnaT on 2014/01/27 at 17:40 said:

    Śliczności 🙂 Też kocham te papiery 🙂

  3. Szałowe! Boskie! Świetne! Czadowe! …

  4. These are super cute. What template did you use to make them? I’d love to be able to make a few for my expecting girlfriends.

  5. Kellie M on 2014/04/11 at 15:41 said:

    What beautiful baby onsie’s, is there a template. I would love to make some scrapbooks and cards in this shape for my five nieces who are all expecting this year, we have a very large family ☺

  6. Heidi Koontz on 2014/08/21 at 03:00 said:

    I absolutely love these onesies. I’ve made a few cards in the past and they didn’t turn out anything like these. Might I get a template? They are super cute!!!!!

  7. Katie on 2015/02/26 at 00:21 said:

    Wowzer! These are simply adorable. Can you direct me where to purchase these templates? Thanks in advance.

  8. Pingback: Cute Baby Romper Card | EnchantINK

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